What do you know about Insider Risk? We’d like to offer you a complimentary eBook copy of Inside Jobs.


Introducing Inside Jobs: Why Insider Risk Is the Biggest Cyber Threat You Can’t Ignore - the new book from Code42’s Insider Risk experts Joe Payne, Jadee Hanson and Mark Wojtasiak.

The book shines a light on Insider Risk — what’s driving it and what you can do to keep your workforce productive and your data safe.

  • Explore the cultural, economic and technological forces behind the rise in Insider Risks
  • Learn who’s calling the shots on culture and collaboration in the c-suite, and how that’s influencing data security
  • Discover how to use a trust-but-verify approach to build a healthy security culture
  • Find out why conventional ways of protecting sensitive company data are no longer enough
  • Get practical frameworks for assessing your risk posture and building an Insider Risk program

To receive your complimentary eBook, simply fill out the form and we’ll email you your digital copy of Inside Jobs. You must be a U.S. resident to receive a copy of the eBook.

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About the Author

Steve Kaelble
Steve Kaelble is the author of many books in the For Dummies series, and his writing has also been published in magazines, newspapers, and corporate annual reports. When not immersed in the For Dummies world or writing articles, he engages in healthcare communications.

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